About Red Team Tools

The History of Red Team Tools
The origins of Red Team Tools extends back over a half a decade prior to the existence of our web site. As early members of the locksport community and board members of TOOOL – the Open Organisation of Lockpickers – Deviant and Babak spent over a decade spreading knowledge, building community, educating the public, and providing tools to hobbyists and professionals alike.
As security professionals specializing in covert entry and other forms of non-destructive entry, they were disappointed by the large gap that appeared to exist between the hobbyist world and the growing field of professional red teaming. The lack of tooling for field applications presented numerous day-to-day challenges, and a solution was needed.
In addition to in-house design and manufacturing work, Babak and Deviant drew from resources in both the hacker world and the professional security industry to build relationships with key vendors such as Southern Specialties, Brockhage, All 5 Spring Tool, Southern Ordinance, and others.
The rest, as they say, is history.
The People Behind the Products
Shawn Abelson
Director of OperationsShawn is the Director of Operations for RedTeamTools.com. He spent years building Silicon Valley's biggest physical red team and now helps organizations build and test security programs as COO at Pine Risk Management, and a consultant for The CORE Group. He frequently tests RedTeamTools products in the field at client sites, during training, and just for fun. He maintains the new idea pipeline for Red Team Tools, so if you have ideas for products, or need a specific tools to help you in your job - please don't hesitate to reach out.
Deviant Ollam
Director of EducationWhile paying the bills as a physical penetration specialist with The CORE Group and the Director of Education for Red Team Alliance, Deviant also sat on the Board of Directors of the US division of TOOOL — The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers — for 14 years. His books Practical Lock Picking and Keys to the Kingdom are among Syngress Publishing’s best-selling pen testing titles. In addition to being a lockpicker, Deviant is also a SAVTA certified safe technician, a GSA certified safe and vault inspector, member of the International Association of Investigative Locksmiths, a Life Safety and ADA Consultant, and an NFPA Fire Door Inspector. At multiple annual security conferences Deviant started Lockpick Village workshop areas, and he has conducted physical security training sessions for Black Hat, the SANS Institute, DeepSec, ToorCon, HackCon, ShakaCon, HackInTheBox, ekoparty, AusCERT, GovCERT, CONFidence, the FBI, the NSA, DARPA, the National Defense University, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis, and the United States Military Academy at West Point.
Babak Javadi
Director of ResearchBabak is a noted member of the physical security community, well-recognized among both professional circles (due to the work The CORE Group) as well as in the hacker world (as the President of TOOOL, The Open Organisation Of Lockpickers.) His first foray into the world of physical security was in the third grade, where he was sent to detention for showing another student how to disassemble the doorknob on the classroom supply closet. Babak is an integral part of the numerous lockpicking workshops, training sessions, and games that are seen at annual events like DEFCON, ShmooCon, DeepSec, NotACon, QuahogCon, HOPE, and Maker Faires across the country. He likes spicy food and lead-free small arms ammunition.
Chad Franke
Fulfillment ManagerChad is the Red Team Tools fulfillment manager, ensuring that each and every package is shipped quickly, arrives safely, and is managed effectively. Chad quickly became an integral role not only in fulfilment, but also customer service, inventory management, quality assurance, and product improvement.
Designed by Us
Tools developed, designed, produced, and tested in-house by the RTA Team.
Used by Us
We use what we sell. Our tools are field tested (and often improved) by our team of penetration testers while on the job.
Shipped by Us
No drop-shipping, no frustrating backorders. If it's listed, it's in stock at our warehouse and ships to you ASAP when you order.